May 18, 2023 5 min read

NCAA-EA Sports Video Games are Back!

NCAA-EA Sports Video Games are Back!

After years of anticipation, EA Sports has delivered a groundbreaking announcement that has sent shockwaves through the gaming community. The upcoming college football video game will feature the long-awaited inclusion of player likenesses, a development that has been eagerly awaited by fans for an extended period.

What's New:

In a significant breakthrough, EA Sports has partnered with FBS players to allow every eligible athlete to have their likeness represented in the game. This momentous shift marks a major leap forward in authenticity and player representation, fulfilling the desires of dedicated fans who have yearned for a more immersive gaming experience.

Why It Matters:

The inclusion of player likenesses in the college football video game addresses a longstanding demand from fans and highlights EA Sports' commitment to delivering an unparalleled gaming experience. This highly anticipated feature not only enhances the realism of the game but also opens up new avenues for brand collaborations and marketing strategies, providing licensing professionals with an exceptional opportunity to connect with the passionate gaming community.

Why You Should Care:

The inclusion of player likenesses in the college football video game presents a unique opportunity to tap into the immense enthusiasm surrounding this long-awaited gaming experience. This groundbreaking development will undoubtedly generate heightened interest and engagement, offering an ideal platform to connect with the passionate gaming community and create memorable brand experiences that resonate with fans.

Credit: Bleacher Report, ESPN

Olipop Enters the Sporting Industry with New Partnership


Olipop, the prebiotic soda brand, is venturing into the highly competitive sports sponsorship landscape through its collaboration with the Kansas City Current. This strategic move demonstrates Olipop's determination to establish a presence in the sports industry, competing alongside beverage giants like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. With its unique selling proposition of healthier and authentic beverages, Olipop aims to challenge the status quo and capture the attention of sports enthusiasts seeking innovative alternatives.

What's New:

Olipop's entry into the sports sponsorship realm marks its bold challenge against established soda brands in securing partnerships with major sports teams. Despite initial difficulties, Olipop found an ideal match with the Kansas City Current, solidifying its position as the team's inaugural soda brand partner. This significant step enables Olipop to make a statement in the competitive sports market, signaling its commitment to delivering quality products and unique brand experiences.

Why It Matters:

The sports sponsorship arena is fiercely competitive, with beverage giants like Coca-Cola and Pepsi traditionally dominating the space. However, Olipop's disruptive approach and dedication to offering healthier beverage options provide a refreshing alternative for sports fans. By venturing into this competitive landscape, Olipop not only challenges the industry incumbents but also contributes to the diversification of sponsorships in the sports world, catering to the evolving preferences of health-conscious consumers.

Why You Should Care:

Olipop's commitment to healthier alternatives and authentic brand experiences aligns with the shifting consumer demands for better-for-you options. Exploring collaborations and partnerships with emerging brands like Olipop can unlock new avenues for innovative marketing strategies and unique brand integrations in the sports industry. By embracing the competition and staying ahead of evolving consumer preferences, professionals in the licensing and branding space can position themselves at the forefront of this dynamic and ever-changing landscape.

Credit: Marketing Brew

VC Behind Warby Parker and Glossier Come Out with New Brand Analysis Tool

Source Photo: MarioGuti/Getty Images

Forerunner Ventures, the renowned VC firm behind successful brands like Warby Parker and Glossier, has unveiled the Brand Power Score, a free assessment tool designed to measure how consumers perceive a brand's impact. This innovative tool enables companies of all sizes to gain valuable insights into six key dimensions of their brand, providing actionable feedback to strengthen their business. With Forerunner Ventures leading the way in identifying breakout brands, the Brand Power Score offers a unique opportunity for companies to enhance their brand strategy and connect more effectively with their target audience.

What's New:

Forerunner Ventures has developed the Brand Power Score as a quantitative measurement of a brand's effectiveness in the eyes of consumers. By surveying both customers and non-customers, brands can gauge their performance across six essential aspects: Feelings, Reliability, Identity, Experience, North Star, and Differentiation. These elements collectively create a "FRIEND" framework, reflecting the unique characteristics that distinguish successful and relatable brands.

Why It Matters:

The concept of brand perception can often be elusive, making it challenging to pinpoint its true essence. With the introduction of the Brand Power Score, Forerunner Ventures seeks to demystify the subjective nature of brand evaluation by providing a tangible metric for brands to assess their performance. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, companies can better understand how their brand resonates with consumers and make informed decisions to enhance their market position.

Why You Should Care:

By leveraging this free assessment tool, companies can gain deeper insights into how their brand is perceived, allowing for targeted improvements and more compelling customer experiences. The Brand Power Score offers a comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond traditional metrics, providing nuanced feedback on emotional resonance, product differentiation, and overall brand impact. By embracing this innovative approach to brand assessment, professionals can refine their strategies, strengthen brand positioning, and foster lasting connections with consumers in an increasingly competitive market.

Credit: Fast Company

Angelina Jolie Unveils Atelier Jolie: A Fashion Collective for Creative Collaboration


Hollywood icon Angelina Jolie has officially announced the launch of Atelier Jolie, a groundbreaking fashion venture that brings together creative minds in a collaborative and sustainable environment. With a focus on repurposing vintage materials, Atelier Jolie aims to empower individuals to express their unique styles while championing eco-conscious practices.

Why It Matters:

The arrival of Atelier Jolie signals a new era in fashion, driven by a shared vision of self-expression. As consumers increasingly seek out sustainable alternatives, Atelier Jolie's commitment to repurposing materials and reducing waste sets a positive example for the industry. By supporting this collective, you contribute to a movement that values creativity, craftsmanship, and a greener future.

Why You Should Care:

As Atelier Jolie paves the way for a new era in fashion, brands can make a meaningful impact by potential collaboration. By embracing sustainability and promoting self-expression, you brands can be positioned at the forefront of conscious consumerism and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Credit: US Magazine