Oct 12, 2023 6 min read

Snoop Dogg Dives Deeper into Tech: Partners with Meta for an AI Chatbot Venture

Snoop Dogg Dives Deeper into Tech: Partners with Meta for an AI Chatbot Venture
Source: www.wetv.com

Hip-Hop mogul and tech aficionado, Snoop Dogg, adds another feather to his tech cap. Having already ventured into cryptocurrency, NFTs, and the metaverse, the legendary artist now collaborates with Meta, launching an AI-driven chatbot alongside other high-profile celebrities.

What's New:
Having expressed curiosity about investing in artificial intelligence at the 2023 Milken Institute Global Conference, Snoop Dogg seems to have embarked on his AI journey. As highlighted by AFROTECH, he is now amongst the galaxy of stars, including Dwyane Wade, Naomi Osaka, Chris Paul, Tom Brady, and others, to partner with Meta, debuting AI chatbots.

To make the interaction more real and relatable, Meta stated, “We partnered with cultural icons and influencers to play and embody some of these AIs. They’ll each have profiles on Instagram and Facebook, so you can explore what they’re all about.”

Why It Matters:
This partnership isn't just about futuristic fan interactions; it's also proving profitable for the involved celebrities. According to Boardroom, these stars have authorized Meta to utilize their images for these unique AI characters. In return, they are bagging licensing agreements potentially worth up to $5 million. The feature rolled out across various Meta platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, on October 4.

Why You Should Care:
Meta's AI initiative goes beyond simply answering user queries. As Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg highlighted, the company is developing AIs that exude more personality, opinions, and interests. Alongside the Snoop Dogg AI, Meta has introduced 28 distinct AIs available across their social platforms. As described by the company, these AI entities can be envisioned as a "new cast of characters," each endowed with their own unique narratives and backgrounds.

With Snoop Dogg venturing further into the tech realm and collaborations like these, it's evident that the future of entertainment and interaction is evolving, making room for novel and immersive experiences.

Credit: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/snoop-dogg-joins-others-reportedly-172400727.html (Nwanji)

Shaquille O'Neal and Allen Iverson Reunite with Reebok in Top Management Roles

Source: sfmnews.com/2016/02/shaquille-oneal-es-un-candidato-fuerte.html

Basketball legends Shaquille O'Neal and Allen Iverson are stepping back into the Reebok arena, not as star players but as top-tier executives. Both Hall of Famers are set to occupy key management positions, marking a pioneering move in athlete-brand collaborations.

What's New:
As disclosed by Boardroom, O'Neal, who started his professional basketball journey with Reebok, is slated to assume the role of President of Basketball. Alongside him, Iverson will be serving as Vice President. This move sees the two icons return to Reebok, where they once donned signature shoes during their illustrious NBA careers.

Reflecting on this landmark decision, Reebok CEO Todd Krinsky, who has been with the brand since 1992 – the same year O'Neal was signed as a rookie – commented to Boardroom: "Unlike typical brand-athlete relationships that revolve around endorsements, we're integrating two of our legacy athletes into real management roles. This innovative approach hasn't been explored in our industry before."

Why It Matters:
O'Neal, expressing his vision for the role, told Boardroom, "My chief objective will be to bridge connections, align Reebok with promising players, and mentor them through fruitful associations with the brand."

On the other hand, Iverson is gearing up to lead player acquisitions, with a special emphasis on fortifying Reebok's footprint in grassroots movements and community projects. Moreover, Iverson's annual "Iverson Classic" High School showcase game will also play a significant role in his strategy.

Why You Should Care:
This move by Reebok signifies a paradigm shift in the dynamic between sports brands and their athlete partners. It's not merely about endorsements anymore; it's about giving athletes genuine roles in shaping the brand's vision and direction. With O'Neal and Iverson at the helm, Reebok is poised to integrate authentic basketball insights into its future endeavors, ensuring a deeper connection with the basketball community.

Credit: https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/shaquille-oneal-allen-iverson-coming-back-to-reebok-basketball-in-presidentvice-president-roles-per-report/ (Botkin)

Fortnite Set to Revive the Iconic Chapter 1 Map: Fans Eager for a Blast from the Past

London, England - June 13, 2018: Teenager playing Fortnite video game, Fortnite is a web based multi player survival game developed by Epic Games.

Epic Games' Fortnite is rumored to be reviving its original Chapter 1 map, stirring excitement among players. This potential reintroduction is rooted in various leaks, with sources hinting at a time travel storyline to facilitate the throwback.

What's New:
Several Fortnite data miners and leakers have uncovered information suggesting that players will soon be revisiting the iconic Chapter 1 map, which skyrocketed Fortnite to global fame. The alleged narrative involves a time-travel arc that provides a rationale for the shift back to the original terrain.

The concept is to launch with the vintage map, then dynamically transition through the earlier seasons before reverting to the current Chapter 5. Reports suggest this nostalgic trip might span only about a month, encompassing past map alterations and weaponry.

Why It Matters:
The idea of reverting to the inaugural map has resonated deeply with long-standing fans, who recall the game's zenith. Although the landscape will likely remain familiar, the inclusion of the No Build mode could revamp gameplay dynamics, offering a fresh twist on the old favorite.

Why You Should Care:
Battle Royale games frequently revisit their foundational maps, as observed with Warzone and Apex Legends. Although Fortnite has incorporated specific locations from past terrains, like the Tilted Towers, the full-scale return of the initial map is unprecedented. While this transient journey back in time might be short-lived, it promises a significant uptick in player engagement, banking on the potent allure of nostalgia.

Furthermore, there's speculation about the re-release of early battle passes, notably from seasons that had skins like Black Knight and Sparkle Specialist. Although Epic has previously negated such a possibility, the potential revenue influx might be tempting.

While Epic Games has yet to officially confirm these rumors, the sheer volume of consistent leaks makes the return of the Chapter 1 map seem imminent. Fans are eagerly awaiting an official statement detailing the mechanics of this enticing blast from the past.

Credit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/10/11/leak-says-fortnite-is-heading-back-to-its-original-chapter-1-map/?sh=2f3ab40f72a7 (Tassi)

Netflix Dives into the Casino Realm with a "Squid Game" Slot Machine

Source: www.netflix.com/squidgame

Netflix makes its pioneering entry into the casino and gambling sector by endorsing a "Squid Game"-themed slot machine, mirroring one of its most-watched series. Gaming behemoth Light & Wonder is set to craft this unique gambling experience, capitalizing on the massive success of the South Korean drama.

What's New:
The "Squid Game" slot machine is Netflix's first licensing agreement within the casino domain. Created by Light & Wonder, the machine will encapsulate the harrowing games featured in the show, including the notorious Red Light, Green Light; Tug of War; and the Glass Tile. Furthermore, Light & Wonder is poised to launch a digital slots game inspired by the "Squid Game" series, boasting three riveting bonus rounds.

Depending on its setup, the slot machine's grand prize will range from $200,000 to $400,000, as conveyed by a representative from Light & Wonder.

Why It Matters:
Scheduled for casinos by 2024, the slot game will be showcased within Light & Wonder's Horizon jumbo cabinet. This state-of-the-art structure boasts a colossal 75-inch screen with 600,000 distinct micro-LED pixels, complemented by a 27-inch touchscreen. Equipped with a mobile charger and dual play buttons, players are guaranteed a captivating gaming session.

Light & Wonder, previously recognized as Scientific Games and headquartered in Las Vegas, boasts an expansive workforce of 6,000 globally. The company excels in designing both tangible and digital gaming experiences.

Why You Should Care:
As "Squid Game" continues to dominate cultural discussions, Netflix is set to introduce "Squid Game: The Trials", an immersive pop-up challenge in L.A. launching on Dec. 6. Participants will face six rigorous tasks spanning 70 minutes.

Both the real-life gaming experience and the slot machine underscore Netflix's strategic efforts to magnify the "Squid Game" brand, a series that took the world by storm in 2021.

Fans of the show have more to look forward to, with a sequel to "Squid Game" underway. Moreover, Netflix has earmarked Nov. 22 for the release of "Squid Game: The Challenge," a reality contest where 456 global contenders will vie for a whopping $4.56 million cash reward.

Credit: https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/netflix-squid-game-slot-machine-casino-gambling-1235747239/ (Spangler)

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